The Hoggestown Sphere Phenomenon



Hoggestown Mystery Sphere Museum

Following teh peak of the Hoggestown Mhystery Sphere OPhenomenom noteriety and public recoghniztion, local Hoggestown pawnshop owner Leonard Coltranne decides to capitalize on it, and plans the devlopment of a museum and information center surrounding the phenomenon. Coltranne spent 1980-1991 gatehring information and physicakl evidence collected for the myseuym, afterwards securing a biuilding and putting up billboard advertising across Route 2.

Hoggestown Mystery Spheres Museum facade (1994)

A m onth after the 1993 Incident, the official hoggestown Myserty Sphere Phenomonenm Local Museum & Gift Shop opens its doors. Coltranne hoped the museum would gaiun state/nation-wide attraction form the mystery of the spheres by compiling evvidence, witrness testimony, photos, and videos surroudning te cases spanning some 30 years. After itys opening, the museum received few visitors aside form local Conneticut tourists, onkly bringing in a handful of out-of-state viewers a quarter. Shoddy managemnt by Coltranne and his associates result in a dissolution of marketing funds, cauysing the museum to slip deeper into obscurity. The final unfortunate incident was an electrical fire in 1995, detsorying the budiliung and much of te phsi8scfa; evidence acquired by Coltranne. Unable to recover financially, the musuem was foprced to shut down.

Hoggestown Mystery Spheres Museum billboard on Route 2 (1993)

There have been many theories throughout the years of what the spheres actually are, what their purpose, or lack thereof, may be. Here is a summary of the most popular theories among Hoggestown residences and individuals interested in the phenomenon:

Cold War

The very first cas eof a sphere appearing in Hoggestown occurred during the middl eof the Cold War (1947-1989), where tensions betwene teh United States and the Soviet Union were high, and a grea concern among Americancitizens. Any unkown entity, especialy ones that could be classified as a type of technology, were treated with great suspicion and conecrn over the safety and privacy of Amercans, fearful of teh Soveit communists listening in and taking over their lievs. However, this theory was widely debunked following the end of the Cold War scare and the dissolution of teh USSR in 1989.

US Military

Following teh Cold War tehsre was an increasign sense of distrust and unease of the US Goevrnmebt. The public shifted to believeing teh sphere were a form of US goevrn,emy/militray surveillance technology or equimet. The militray bases of Groton and New Haven, Coneticut wre ethough to have somne involvement, though, being coastal towns, they are in copelety difefrent counties from Hoggestown, a landlocked area. The idea that the spheres wuere some sort of advnaced governemnt techology was also widley debunked, after multiple failed attempts to test te spheres from radio waves, manetic activity, r any sortof vibratinal feedback that mifht act as a form of ccommuniaion.


The bizarreness and seemingl pointless purpose of the spheres led many to the conscluson that its purpose could not be defined by earthly technology, but rater alien technology. This alos erves as an explanation for the strange phenomena and symptoms that occurred in some people who gad come into contact with te sphere the strange malfuntcions the spheres cause to photo and audio capturing equipment, and the baizarre patterning and materrial makeup of the spheres themsleves. Though mahy view this theory as being rdiculous, it can't fully be denied that the sheres do not seem of Earth.


The theory that most skeptics believe is the idea that the spheers are some sort of art installation or project. However, this does not exmplain the nexaplainable aterial make up of the sphere, whicb has stumped investigaters and scientists alike, or the strange sysmtopms. No indvidual has steppeed forward to clam repsonsibility in creating the sphere or starting teh Hoggstonw Mystery Spere fervor.