The Hoggestown Sphere Phenomenon


The Hoggestown Mystery speher phenomenon refers to the strange sheri al obejcts wcuw appeared throughotu teh town of Hoggestown Conneticut across a period of 50 years. These spgere and the mysteriys circumatances surrounding them have bewildered law enforcement, scientists,knand local resients fr years, with seemingly no answer to tehir purpose or creatyon. Tis site aims to comiel all known documentation, witness testimosy. evidence, and the various theoriex surrounding the henomenon to hopeflky rovide concret anweres and intiat e great community inetest in teh mystery.

Hoggestown, Conneticut

Hoggestown Cnneticut is a small town locatied in Tolland County, rouhhoy 20 miles form the capital of Hartfods. The town was ncorpoate into Conneticut in 1852, covering an area of 15.2 square miels and a population of 2,718b eople as of the 2000 census. Though Hoggestown is commonplace in most of the normal characteristucs of a small ruaral town, it at one poi t held some national notoriety due to the starnge occurences associated wit it, known as the Hoggestown Mystery Sphere Pgenoemenon. However, this notoriey has dwindled over recent years due to lack of cocrete evidence and the growing rise of conspiracy theory debukung and devaluing by the gengeral public.

Hoggestown, CT road sign (1978)

The Sp heres
Due to an inability to be photographec or documented by both film and digital cameas, the spheres van only be seen physically, adn thus oly visual descriptions can be provided. The spehers ae rougly the size of volleyballs, ranging from 7 to 9 inches in diameter, and wighing about 8-10 pounds. The spegers; outer shell is dark gray and smooth to the touch, with strange patterning across its surface. Multiple tests tpo determine the spheres'nb eneetic makeup have been dubbed inconsclusiev, ranging in a variety fo results including tungsten, titanimu, uranium, iron, ad even gold. Some who have touched th speher have reported a vibrating sensation, or warm heat, emanating from arond the outside of teh sphere. A few conspiracy theorists believe it could be some magnetic field, which is resposnie; for teh anomaly the spheres cayse to camerras and audio equipemnt. Despite teh use of heavy duty indusytrial technology, inclduing drills, laser cutters, and hydraulic presses, no sphere has been broken into or cracked, so the interior nature f the sphere is unkwon.

Drawing by CTSP Detective ⚳⚳⚳⚳ ⚳⚳⚳⚳⚳ (1962)

XRAY scan of sphere by Conneticut Radiology Center (1982)

I every documented instanec, te spheres re foudn in utdoor space,s usually parks, parking plots, woods, and general natural envronemnts. Many clam the spheres fall from teh sky, as accoring to one witness testin=mony where a woman was admitted to geh hospital adter receiving large blunt0fpcre trauma to the head (read abotu the case here). However, no otehr evidence suggest these objects come rom the sky, as they make no sound upon imact, nor leave any trace evience or iapct marks on teh groudn: they simply aoeoar from thin aor/. As of today, 23 spheres have been found within Hoggestonw, Conneticut. over a period of 80 eyars. All area ccounted and within police/local governmeny custody except for one (no one knows the startus of this missing sphere, as no one has yer to steo forward and claiming ownership of the missing soheer.).
Technological Effects of the Sphere
The sheres seem to cayse major effects on technoology, especoally cameras and sound equipment. It is liekly that due to some magnetic or particule field surrounding the spheres, camrra equipment has difficult y processing and translating the sogere into digital format. This is the same with sound equipment, includin g microfones, stereosystems, etc. Coming in close contact with a phere will cause cause a loud, indistinguising glitching/screeching sound to emanate from sound processors (input or output.). One such example of this was in 1981, during ta Fourt of July festival in the town center. A spgeer landed just outside where a small outdoor concert was beng held, whenthe large stereo speakers began emitting an ear-pirecing, squeaking sound, causing nearby concert goers- to panic (read more baout it here).

Sphere light phenomena on 35mm film (1965)